How do you change your habits?
When trying to get in shape and take control of your health, it’s not uncommon to feel frustrated or overwhelmed.
You *want* to look, move, and feel better - but you’re unsure about how to make it all work.
The result? Health and fitness goals get pushed aside.
But we can change that!
No matter your starting point.
No matter how you currently feel.
No matter how much is on your plate.
Change is POSSIBLE.
All it takes are simple, strategic habits.
Habit-building is one of the biggest elements in my coaching. Habits are where we put in “the work.”
Motivation comes and goes. But habits are what give you the *momentum* to keep moving forward.
They are small, action-based steps, taken slowly and one at a time, that build your momentum and over time become routine.
As you incorporate those habits into your routine, you start to see results! And results- they get you motivated all over again!
The habits themselves are going to look different for different people depending upon their goals, their starting point, their strengths, and weaknesses, etc.
The habits might be nutrition-based, movement-based, mindset-based, and more.
Fitness doesn’t need to take over your life.
Nutrition doesn’t need to occupy your every waking thought.
Rest and Recovery don’t need to be more things on your to-do list.
I want to help you get started.
IF you are looking for a structured, customised, and progressive fitness program that is all about you - this might be the right fit for you.
MY goals as your coach are these:
For movement to make you feel GOOD.
For your food to FUEL you.
For you to feel happy, capable, and strong in your life and in your body.