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Health/Fitness Coach

Don’t let the scale define you!

Don’t let the scale define you!

Are you sick of stepping on the scale and don’t see any shift in your weight?

Let me tell you first that you got to stop defining your WORTH and SUCCESS by the number you see on the scale! Definition of the scale; a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity 🤷🏻‍♀️ Some examples of why the scale fluctuates;

👟 Eating Salty foods
👟 You’re on your menstrual cycle
👟 After intensive exercise
👟 Dehydration
👟 Your food hasn’t digested yet
👟 Alcohol
👟 Water Retention

A scale doesn’t know the difference between a 75kg woman who’s lean, fit & toned and a 75kg woman who eats fast food all day.

Your body will know the difference though, your measurements (tape) will show it, how your clothes fit and how your body looks. The kilo’s on the scale is not showing how fit you’re or how much muscle you have.

So why not focus on what you want to achieve rather than what the scale is telling you?

If weighing yourself motivates you in a positive way, there’s no reason to stop but I know for many women the number on the scale makes you feel miserable. Then it’s time to ditch the scale and focus on healthy eating, getting stronger and become more fit than you were before.

My mission as a health/fitness coach

My mission as a health/fitness coach

I do a lot of talking here on my social media pages about you- my clients. But I’ve been meaning to let you in on the inner workings of me, as your coach. “My mission” as your coach is all about getting you to feel better ABOUT your body and IN your body.

That means waking up every day feeling good- because you’re fuelling your body properly, because you’re incorporating daily movement, because you’re managing your stress levels and prioritising your sleep hygiene– because you’re making CHANGES.

BUT - it also means feeling better about the body you are in right NOW, which involves a lot of mindset work as well.

I don’t want you to feel better *because* you lost fat, or inches or a pant size.

I want you to feel better in your body because you are caring for it. Because you are enjoying challenging it. Because you are getting to know how it works and what it needs.

I am successful as your coach when you feel physically stronger. When you sleep better. When you speak nicely to yourself. When you feel confident in your body. But at the end of the day, it is *your* body and my biggest, most important job is to remind you of all the good that already exists.

Just imagine where you can be 12 weeks from now…. You’re already on the way.